The Pauls Valley Police Department has a valuable Reserve Officer Program. Reserve Police Officers are exactly like Full Time Police Officers with one exception, Reserves do not get paid. A Reserve Police Officer has a regular job, but they devote themselves to helping their community by volunteering to work as a Police Officer on some of their off time. You have probably saw a Reserve Police Officer and not even known it. A Reserve Officer wears the same uniform and has the exact same authority as any other Police Officer. Reserve Officers help during parades, special events, football games, and work regular shifts including: Traffic Enforcement, Answering Calls, Arrests, Reports, and Patrolling the City.
To become a Reserve Police Officer you must meet the same standards as a Full Time Officer. You must be 21 years of age, not have any Felony convictions or criminal convictions that would prevent you from carrying a firearm. You must be in good physical shape, and be ethical with very good morals. You must also pass a Reserve Police Academy. This academy is just like the CLEET full time academy except you go during the evenings a couple of times a week until graduation from the academy. Reserve Officers are very skilled professionals that help to supplement the man power of the Police Department.
Do you think you want to become a Reserve Police Officer?
You would apply for a Reserve Position just like you were applying for a full time job. After you complete and return the application to the Police Department a thorough background investigation begins. Once you clear the background check you would interview for the position. If you were offered a position as a Reserve Officer you would still be responsible for Qualifying with your weapon, purchasing all necessary equipment, and completing the Reserve Academy.
Although this may seem like an awful lot to go through to do something you don’t even get paid for, believe me the rewards are in the job. You can ask any Reserve Officer why they volunteer their time and each one will tell you one reason is because serving the citizens of Pauls Valley is very rewarding.